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Janie Gross

Associate Artist - Current

Country of Origin: US

Janie Gross is an internationally known author/designer. Her professional journey includes advertising/graphic design, creative/art direction, marriage, motherhood, authorship, brand development/marketing, landscape design, floral design certification, photography, textile design, stationery product design, mixed media, ceramics, and grandmotherhood.

Later in her career, she began to incorporate ceramics into her multidisciplinary practices, signaling a profound connection to hand-building with clay. Janie no longer feels weighed down by constant client deadlines; rather, she finds solace and fulfillment in allowing the clay to express itself while utilizing her refined design skills to craft a variety of functional and sculptural objects.

Janie attended Moore College of Art & Design alongside one of the co-founders of The Clay Studio, but she never had the chance to study clay while in art school. She built a successful career in visual communications and often reflects that it took her fifty years to discover her true medium: clay. After she and her husband moved to the city following more than thirty years in the suburbs, she quickly enrolled in classes at The Clay Studio, which soon felt like a second home. Shortly thereafter, she became an Associate member, a decision she believes is the best professional choice she has made to date.

Instagram: janie_gross