Our new building features carefully constructed casing to display the breadth of our permanent collection. With help from our many curatorial interns like Isabella Khan (2024), Trinity Dubois (2023), Audrey Williamson (2022), and Kasia Bunofsky (2022) we have been able to move these pieces out of storage and display them for the first time in our 50-year history! Recently, we had the honor of being selected as the home for works from the collection of the late William Daley, generously donated by his family. The William Way LGBTQ+ Community Center has also graciously chosen The Clay Studio to display the work of late Arnold (Arnie) Zimmerman. Through donations like these, and with the continuous support of our staff, we are able to safely display and preserve works by renowned artists for our community to learn from and be inspired by.
Art Installations in Our Studio
Permanently installed in our building are community pieces by Molly Hatch and George Rodriguez, and a mural by Roberto Lugo. These permanent installations are forever growing Learn more about our community projects and installments!
Explore our installations!June 2018
Incidentally Iconic
The exciting, underground adventures of researching, documenting, and cataloguing The Clay Studio's permanent collection of over 750 ceramic objects, written by Heath Ballowe.
read the storySummer 2016
The Clay Studio Collection Project
In 2016, The Clay Studio was honored to receive a Responsive Grant from the Henry Luce Foundation’s Program for American Art. This generous support was the catalyst for our Collection Project, which aimed to document and gather more thorough research on objects from our permanent collection. The Clay Studio's permanent collection was created by emerging and established artists who served as Resident Artists, Guest Artists-in-Residence, and teachers at The Clay Studio over the last 35 years. With over 600 pieces left in our care The Clay Studio Collection Project remains ongoing, with more objects being rotated into our collection regularly.