Robert Boone

Work exchange Artist - Past

I definitely see a future of functional ceramic fashion, so I am interested in exploring unconventional material-use for practical purposes. I am an artist who is a fashion designer comprised of a ceramicist. I am a painter. I am a sculpture. I don’t want my foundation to be anecdotal. I have a voice and I want to apply it to this new medium.

I’m just stepping into Fashion Design; it’s a new door that has opened in my life. I’ve been transferring the use of my aesthetic and concepts from mediums I’ve been used to into my Fashion Design. At the moment, I am further exploring that idea of color, but in a more tangible way. I am sewing garments that really explore color and the use of that color on dark skin toned individuals to not only compliment the colors, but also the wearer’s complexion.

Ceramics is such an essential part of my art making practice, so I am interested to see how it will influence this journey. People have asked me if I intend on being a ceramicist and I’ve told them “No, I’m pursuing Fashion Design.” But even that statement seems limiting. And I don’t think I ever fully agreed with it– it’s just that I didn’t know how best to respond to the question. Since then I’ve seen artists offer their solutions. Such as Chinese Artist Li Xiaofeng, who makes various forms of clothing out of broken ceramics shards. Also, I’m currently interning at The Clay Studio in Philadelphia, where I’ve met Artist Sebra Debrecht who makes ceramic fabric. The artist's works I’ve reference were more expressive than utility; however, I would like to put my hand to creating comfortable, functional, wearable ceramic ware.