Thursday, March 20th | 1pm - 2pm
Clay and Conversations with Janie Gross
Join us for a talk with one of our current Associate artists Janie Gross, who will have a solo exhibition "FurtherMore" at Moore College of Art!
Register for the ZoomPast Talks
Thursday, February 27 @1pm
Liisa Nelson
Join us for a conversation with artist Liisa Nelson who is currently showing her exhibition, Dreams, in our gallery.
Watch the Recording Here!Thursday, February 13 @1pm
Jinsik Yoo
Join us for a conversation with artist Jinsik Yoo who is currently showing his exhibition, Palimpsest, in our gallery.
Watch the Recording Here!Thursday, January 30 | 1pm - 2m
Legacy Auction Highlights
Learn more about the incredible artworks on offer as part of our Legacy Auction.
Register for the ZoomThursday, January 16 @1pm
Josephine Mette Larsen
Join us for a conversation with artist Josephine Mette Larsen who is currently showing her exhibition, Doesn't it Feel Warmer Just Knowing The Sun is Out, in our gallery.
Watch the Recording Here!Our Viewers Respond
"Thank you for the Zoom meetings. I feel so connected. Today seeing and hearing Lauren Sandler speak was so exciting, and last week I felt part of art history as the PMA Curators and Roberto spoke together. I am sharing these with my students. The Ripple Effect is Happening! So grateful for Thursday Zooms." – Ann HJuuki
"I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the Ibrahim Said studio visit, and what a really great interview you did with him. You led things along in such a fluid way, and he seemed very relaxed and open." - Vicky Gold
"What a brilliant and wise conversation. There's been some serious meditative insights arising here, expecially in your discussion about how artists might respond to this moment. This conversation should win an award." - Kel B.