Doesn't It Feel Warmer Just Knowing the Sun Will Be Out

Jan 15th - Mar 30th, 2025

Resident Artist Solo Exhibition featuring works by Josephine Mette Larsen.

The rigid dichotomy of grief alongside immense joy and hope has been ever present in my life these past few years. Important members of my family have left our physical world and two new lives have also been born into the family. ‘Doesn’t it feel warmer just knowing the sun will be out’ is the mindset which has been imperative for me to keep as I work through these major life changes. Those who have left us, I will always carry with me. Those who have joined us bring life full circle. The show revolves itself around the deep emotions, reflections and questions of this time period of my life.

Josephine Mette Larsen is a Danish-American ceramicist, born and raised in the U.S. to a mother and father who immigrated from Denmark in the 90s. The last 10 years, split living periodically in the U.S. and Europe, have been dedicated to her education and work experience within the field of ceramics. Larsen’s education in ceramics reflects her bicultural background as she holds a BA in design from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art in Denmark and an MFA in ceramics from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan, USA. The specific context of Denmark, however, has been instrumental in the establishment of her artistic identity as it carries a long history of high quality craft and design. At the nucleus of Larsen’s practice is a strong sense of craftsmanship.