Bonovitz Space
This show will offer samples of the investigations, information, lessonsand stories from a year and a half long exploration of the use of MarcellusShale as a material.
Everyday, mundane acts and decisions have a cumulative effect: yourdaily needs are politically charged. There is a connection between the thingswe use and the natural resources they are derived from. This connection and therepercussions of that relationship have become a focus in my work.
Marcelllus Shale is a rock and nothing but a rock. The controversialexploitation of it as a resource from which natural gas can be extracted hasbrought it an unprecedented level attention.
By transforming this sedimentary rock into a usable clay and ceramic, Ilook to unpack the social, economic, and health concerns that have dividedcommunities concerned about drilling for natural gas. The physical presence ofthis material in a room creates a relationship between the complicated issuessurrounding the debate and one’s body. It is made personal, and is felt. This crucial awareness, I believe, opensa space for productive discussion.
Part of the complexity of the issue comes from the many angles fromwhich it needs to be considered: environmental, political, social and economic.When this project began, it was difficult to find good, unbiased informationabout the drilling that was occurring. Over the course of this work I’veconnected with scientists/researchers, engineers, farmers, citizens living inaffected areas, activists, and the general public. The travels, stories and studioexperiments from this endeavor have been chronicled on The site includes a page of links to studies, articles and information, offeringmaterial from many perspectives meant to inform, diversify, and deepen areader’s understanding.
~ Jennie Shanker