The Washington Potters Association

Sep 11th - Oct 1st, 1988

The Clay Studio will host the Washington Potters Association for an exhibition of ceramic art September 11 through October 1, 1988. The opening reception will be held Sunday, September 11, 2 - 5 PM. Featured will be the work of Loren Lucans, Richard Mahaffey, and Reid Ozaki, among others.

In a spirit of enthusiasm over the continued growth and visibility of ceramic art, Clay cooperatives across the country have recently engaged in a number of similar exchanges. In April of 1988, the resident artists of the Clay Studio exhibited at the Baltimore Clayworks, while the studio members of the Baltimore Clayworks were shown at the Northwest Craft Center in Seattle, Washington.

The current exchange is being held jointly with the Baltimore Clayworks, which will mount a simultaneous exhibition of the Washington Potters Association in Baltimore, Maryland from September 16 through October 1. The opening reception will be held Friday, September 16, 7 - 9 PM.