Yinka Orafidiya: All or Nothing

Jan 6th - Jan 28th, 2012

Harrison Gallery
Closing Reception, Saturday, January 28, 4-6 pm

All or Nothing explores Ms. Orafidiya's struggle with chronic depression. The Harrison Gallery of The Clay Studio houses this installation that serves as a visual representation of the weight and the burden of this disease. A solitary figure is overwhelmed by a bundle of handmade wheel thrown tumblers, all with words on their surfaces, these words and sentences lifted from the pages of Orafidiya's journals. These are the negative thoughts that constantly run through her mind, all consuming and leaving room for no others. Hundreds of handmade vessels bare these words; you are worthless; disgusting; crazy; a hopeless loser; misery; no one will ever love you. The power of emotion when reading just one can overwhelm and in mass truly move one to a new understanding of the pain one faces when battling depression. The walls of the gallery themselves, darkly painted, bare words and thoughts taken from Orafidya's journal fully enveloping the viewer upon entry into the space.

The exhibition will close with an event on Saturday, January 28th from 4 to 6 pm, where the tumblers contained within the bundle overwhelming the solitary figure in the exhibition space will be removed by Orafidiya and given away to those in attendance, symbolically freeing and easing her load. Through this effort, the witnessing audience will carry her story to an even larger audience, disseminating this message and their experience throughout our community. Orafidiya's All or Nothing incites an open dialogue and raises public consciousness about chronic depression. It provides a sense of solidarity to others, letting them know that they are not alone in their struggle.