Interested in taking one of the following workshops?

Thursday, May 22 | 11 am - 2 pm

Wednesday, June 18 | 11 am - 2 pm 

Saturday, July 12 | 2 - 5 pm 

Sunday, Aug 10 | 11 am - 2 pm 

Sign up Now

Veterans Ceramic Arts Network

Introducing a new community for veteran clay artists and enthusiasts at all different points in their ceramic journey. VCAN helps connect us, share knowledge, and highlight veteran ceramic artists in the community.

Join the community on Instagram
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Resident Artist

Bradford Davis

Bradford Davis is an award-winning multimedia artist who uses ceramics as the base matrix to express his feelings, emotions, and responses to his traumas and life experiences. As a retired Army Artillery Officer, he mines his journey of healing to feed his creative research. He mixes fibers, metal, and stained glass with wheel thrown ceramics; to explore the personification of the amphora vessel in its destruction, restoration, and rebirth.

Learn more
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