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Ancil Austin Jr.

Program Assistant - Education


Phone: 2159253453

Ancil Austin Jr. is a recent graduate from Tyler School of Art & Architecture from Temple University. He has a degree in Graphic Design with an Art HIstory minor.

Where are you from and what brought you to Philadelphia?
I am from West Philadelphia born and raised. I've moved around a bit, but I've always been drawn back to Philadelphia for its passion for the arts and culture.

What drew you to the arts/clay?
I've always been that kid in the back of class doodling on tests and finding some creative work around for anything I found mundane. In elementary school, I was given the opportunity to take classes at The Philadelphia Museum of Art, where we learned about clay bodies and different glaze techniques. I came back to clay years later while attending the University of the Arts. At first it was a nice break from the stress of being a graphic designer, it then turned into a very useful outlet from my creative muscles. 

What’s your favorite part about working at The Clay Studio?
I love seeing all the interesting things people make! It's so fascinating to me to see the variety of work made from the same 25 lbs of clay.

What’s your favorite place in Philadelphia?
That's easy, Paulie Gee's! The best pizza in Philly by far, and the best spot for billiards. 


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