Your donation supports giving artists space to create

With your support, The Clay Studio will continue offering the Residents free studio space, a monthly stipend, and a solo exhibition in a creative, supportive environment. Guest Artists come from around the nation and around the world to benefit from our world-class facility and talented community. Our prestigious international reputation is rooted in the value of these programs to the hundreds of ceramic artists worldwide who have been nurtured at The Clay Studio. Supporting these programs helps maintain a robust field of contemporary ceramic art.

The Resident and Guest Artist Programs have grown from the seed that inspired The Clay Studio’s five founders who wanted to share a creative space in 1974. Since that moment, the Resident and Guest Artists have been an integral part of the creative engine that fuels the entire organization. These programs are highly sought positions and are filled by some of the most talented artists - both established and emerging - working in ceramics.

A contribution of $3,000 supports a $250/month stipend and a free studio for one of our 12 Resident Artists or a Guest Artist.  All donations to this program ensure a robust creative community at The Clay Studio.

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Please support our Resident and Guest Artists

With your support, you are contributing to the global field of ceramic art. Please be a part of this amazing program with your contribution.

Make a Gift now