Your donation supports scholarships for children and adults

The Clay Studio is constantly working to make our programming accessible to as wide an audience as possible. Our goal is to address obstacles to participation and ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to express themselves and find community through clay. Last year, in addition to the hundreds of students who utilized our sliding-scale tuition, we awarded 75 scholarships to both youth and adults.

The scholarship fund covers the cost of materials, supports our teaching staff, and alleviates financial barriers for our student population. Scholarships apply to our classes, workshops, and our summertime Clay Camp for children from 1st to 12th grade. Your donation makes certain that our programming stays accessible and equitable for everyone.

A contribution to The Clay Studio’s scholarship fund supports our entire roster of educational programming and opens the door for everyone to participate in our services.

clay studio 2024 spring web 139

Please support our Scholarship Fund

With your support, you are contributing to the equity of our programming. Please be a part of our educational programming with a donation to the scholarship fund.

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